Interfacing LED with 8051 Microcontroller in Assembly
Blinking 1 LED using 8051 This is the first project regarding 8051 and of course one of the simplest, blinking LEDs using 8051. The microcontroller used here is AT89S51 In the circuit, push-button switch S1, capacitor C3 and resistor R3 form the reset circuitry. When S1 is pressed, the voltage at the reset pin (pin9) goes high and this resets the chip. C1, C2, and X1 are related to the on-chip oscillator which produces the required clock frequency. P1.0 (pin1) is selected as the output pin. When P1.o goes high the transistor Q1 is forward biased and LED goes ON. When P1.0 goes low the transistor goes to cut off and the LED extinguishes. The transistor driver circuit for the LED can be avoided and the LED can be connected directly to the P1.0 pin with a series current limiting resistor(~1K). The time for which P1.o goes high and low (the time period of the LED) is determined by the program. The circuit diagram for blinking 1 LED is shown below. Program. START: CPL P1.0 ...